My first experience with Rescue Remedy began with a long, family roadtrip from Grand Marais to southern Florida. If any of you have driven anywhere past Duluth with several small children you know that it's not always the tableau television and movies present for us of that happy family playing games and singing songs. So I brought along some Rescue Remedy Pastilles because several people told me how great they were for young children and I didn't have much confidence that my two young boys were going to be able to keep it together for those long days stuck in the car.
The Rescue Remedy test occurred on day two. While driving through Tennessee, the temperature rose from 50 to 90 degrees within 45 minutes. We quickly discovered that we had no air conditioning in our car (why would we, we're from northern Minnesota), we were all still dressed in our Minnesota garb (more than one layer, wool socks, etc.), and we were hungry driving around some unknown city because my husband had a hankerin' for some real southern food. It was the perfect storm for a complete family breakdown. As the whines and the shouts grew I remembered the Rescue Remedy in my bag. I pulled it out gave one each to the boys, then decided to take one myself. Ten minutes passed and I noticed I was calm. Although I'd like to blame my boys for the chaos, the reality is that most of the whines and shouts were coming from me, I am a ticking time bomb when hungry-you don't even want to know what I'm like when hungry AND hot, it was nothing short of a miracle.

Rescue Remedy is a Bach Flower Remedy which infuses wild flowers in natural spring water by steeping in the sun or boiling. According to Dr. Edward Bach, the British physician who started Bach Flower Remedies, they are "a safe and natural method of healing. They gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions such as, fear, worry, hatred and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole. The Bach Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself."
We have many forms of Rescue Remedy here at the Co-op: sprays, drops, pastilles. Come check them out, and I hope they can be of rescue.
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