Thursday, December 19, 2013

Chicken Soup for the Common Cold

The winter season is upon us, and with that: the common cold.  We know we need to wash our hands, try to keep our immune systems functioning properly, but it is destined to befall all of us as we spend most of our time in enclosed places during these cold months.

Reputable sources discount the effectiveness of everything from antibiotics to over-the-counter  medicines as a cure for the common cold.  Alternative medicine is full of natural remedies, everything from zinc and vitamin C to echinacea and other herbal remedies.  But the answer to relief from the common cold may have been stewing on our kitchen stove all along: chicken soup!

In a recent study out of the University of Nebraska, Dr. Stephen Rennard showed that chicken soup actually has medicinal value.  Using his wife's recipe, passed down from her Lithuanian grandmother, Rennard's study demonstrated the soup's ability to slow down the movement of neutrophils.  Neutrophils are immune system cells that help the body's response to inflammation.  It was also shown to, "temporarily speed up the movement of mucus through the nose, helping relieve congestion and limiting the time viruses are in contact with the nasal lining," according to the Mayo Clinic. 

Results are out as to what exactly in the soup produces these reactions.  They believe it may be the workings of both the vegetables and the chicken together.  Yet more proof that our food can actually cure.

Here is the actual chicken soup used in the study:

Grandma's Recipe:
1 5-to 6-pound Stewing hen or baking chicken
1 package of chicken wings
3 large onions
1 large sweet potato
3 parsnips
2 turnips
11-12 large carrots
5-6 celery stems
1 bunch of parsley
salt and pepper to taste

Clean the chicken, put it in a large pot and cover it with cold water.  Bring the
 water to a boil.  Add chicken wings, onions, sweet potato, parsnips, turnips and 
carrots.  Boil about 1 1/2 hours.  Remove fat from the surface as it accumulates. 
Add the parsley and celery.  Cook the mixture about 45 minutes longer.  Remove the
 chicken.  The chicken is not used further for the soup.  (The meat makes excellent
 chicken parmesan.)  Put the vegetables in a food processor until they are chopped 
fine or pass through a strainer.  Both were performed in the present study.  Add
 salt and pepper to taste.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Las Vegas Essentials

I recently returned from a fabulous getaway to Las Vegas.  Whenever I return from a trip I like to ponder what item from our Wellness Department helped me the most.  I didn't have to think long on this one because without a doubt the product that saved me was the Urban Moonshine Digestive Bitters. 

Digestive Bitters are great for so many things, not just digestion.  These are mentioned by Urban Moonshine as aided by Digestive Bitters:        
*Soothes gas and bloating
*Relieves occasional heartburn
*Strengthens digestive health
*Maintains healthy blood sugar levels
*Balances appetite
*Supports liver and healthy skin

But the "ailment" I needed it for was overindulgence.  Las Vegas is all about overindulgence, so it was so nice to have something to help while I ate too much, stayed up way past my bedtime, and imbibed a drink or two (or three).

Speaking of drinks, this is the one that saved me from excess and helped keep my digestion in shape. This may be an actual drink but today I'm going to call it Kim's Las Vegas Tonic:
             1 ounce whiskey (optional)
             ginger ale
             1tsp. Urban Moonshine Bitters
             slice of lemon or lime
Start with a small glass of ice.  Pour in whiskey if using, top with ginger ale and bitters.  Garnish with slice of lemon, lime, or both.  I prefer the Citrus Bitters, but the Maple Bitters are just as nice-especially for the holidays.

And speaking of the holidays, Digestive Bitters are a great accompaniment to your holiday table.  Because, like Las Vegas, we all know we are going to overindulge.  All it takes is a little bitters in some sparkling water before or after a meal to get those digestive juices flowing! 


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Children's Health: Head Lice

I know no one wants to think about this, but we all know it's coming: that letter from school informing us head lice abounds.  Or, if we are one of the unfortunate: your child begins to itch their scalp furiously.  Not to worry!  The Co-op has the solution for both prevention and extermination in our Wellness aisle!

Ladibugs Inc. is a Minnesota-based company formed by two registered nurses/ Moms who were concerned when their children contracted head lice.  They found that most over-the-counter head lice remedies were full of dangerous chemicals that burned their kids eyes and smelled awful.  They decided to change this, and Ladibugs, Inc. was formed.

For years, the common treatment for head lice had been a chemical-laden brew of chemical derivatives, pesticides and petroleum.  These kinds of ingredients can be very toxic to a young child because they are still growing and developing.  Ladibugs Inc. products are an all-natural mix of yeast-based enzymes, olive oil and peppermint (a natural lice repellent), to help rid the hair of lice safely.

At the Co-op we currently carry Ladibugs products for both prevention and elimination.  For prevention we have the shampoo, conditioner and mint spray.  The mint spray is great because you can spray it on their backpacks, the back of their neck, anywhere to keep the lice away.  For elimination we have the Elimination Kit that contains a mint serum, mousse and metal microgrooved comb.  I'm sorry if you ever have to buy one,  but at least through all the turmoil of dealing with head lice you can breath easy that your child is safe from harsh chemical exposure.

I just wish I lived in the Twin Cities because Ladibugs Inc. not only has a 24-hour hotline, they actually make house calls! 

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Last week I had the great honor of visiting the operations behind Frontier Natural Products Co-op in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and I was blown away!  What an amazing company!  Frontier was established  in 1976 (the same year as our Co-op), and they have been cranking out wonderful products and doing great things for our world ever since.  Frontier is a cooperative, just like our store, but instead of individual owners, the stores that order from them are the owners.  Therefore, we, the Cook County Whole Foods Co-op, is an owner of Frontier Natural Products Co-op.  So just as owners of our Co-op receive a patronage check based on our sales and their contribution to those sales, we also receive a patronage check from Frontier.

I could go on and on, I saw so many amazing things, but I'll just stick with the highlights.  Frontier has three facilities in the Cedar Rapids area and I was lucky  to visit all three.  What was fun for me was observing how all the herbs, spices and Aura Cacia products are bottled.  I actually witnessed those little bath salt packets being filled and boxed, vanilla extract and essential oils being bottled and packed, and herbs and spices bottled or placed in their 1# bulk packaging.  It was so cool to see!  And the vanilla bottling room smelled so nice.

What really hit me as spectacular about this company is how close they are to the products they source and the full transparency with that sourcing.  Several employees who talked with our group travel often to the countries they source materials from to ensure healthy product.  Even so, every single product runs through some pretty heavy testing when it enters the Frontier warehouse.  It was a lesson in chemistry to learn the process, you wouldn't believe the testing involved in that tiny bottle of Aura Cacia essential oil!  It's extensive and thorough, and the result is a very high quality product.

They also do a lot to give back to the communities where these products are sourced.  Frontier was one of the first U.S. companies to offer Fair Trade spices, but in addition to this they have started their own Well Earth sustainable sourcing program.  Although Fair Trade certification is important, it only pertains to third world countries.  Frontier does source from these countries, but they also source from the U.S. and Europe.  With their Well Earth program they are able to give back to all communities, not just those in the third world.
It was such an amazing trip.  In this world of big corporations only concerned with the bottom line, it is so refreshing to see a company getting it right.
                                         And I got to see the biggest frying pan in the world!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dreams in Alaska

I recently returned from a wonderful trip to the beautiful state of Alaska.  I've heard stories of places that might have more challenging weather conditions than Minnesota, but I didn't believe any of them.  But it's true!  There are places that have longer, darker winters, cloudier days, and colder lakes than northern Minnesota!  I know it's hard to believe but it's really true.  In fact, I feel like I've come home to a tropical paradise! 

So I've been thinking of some of the products I brought along from the wellness department at the Co-op, which ones really helped, that I found myself needing.  I would have to say that the most important product I brought, the one that helped the most, was Natural Factors Tranquil Sleep.

We had to catch a 9:30 a.m. flight from Minneapolis to Anchorage, which means we left Cook County at 2 a.m.  So by the time we reached Alaska and their 3 hour time difference and longer summer nights, not to mention the fact that I was on vacation and wanted to really soak up those gorgeous mountains, my sleep patterns were a wreck.  Tranquil Sleep with its mix of melatonin, L-theanine and 5 H-T-P was my savior.

 Melatonin is commonly known for its work as a sleep aid, but what makes this supplement so unique is the addition of L-theanine and 5 H-T-P, both known for their serotonin (that splendid mood enhancing neurotransmitter) boosting properties.  I felt that it helped balance my sleep cycle without making me too drowsy to enjoy my vacation.  I only brought the small travel size, so I ended up taking half the dose the bottle suggested, but it still did the trick.
I don't know what kind of vacation I enjoy the most: those where I never want to leave, or those that make me appreciate where I live.  All I know is that I'm happy to be home.  Now I just need to figure out what to do with all my zucchini!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Camping Essentials 2013

It has been a very busy summer and I didn't think my family would ever find time to get a camping trip in, but we finally did!, and it was beautiful.  As I reflect on that trip I  think mostly of blueberries, but also of some great items from our Wellness Department that helped me through some of the challenges of camping life.  Here are my top three camping essentials this year:

My all-time favorite item this year was the Alba Hawaiin 3-in-1 Towelettes.  At the end of the day I want to get all that sunscreen and bug spray off of my face and this product is perfect for that.  It works as a cleanser, toner and you can also use it to remove sticky s'more residue off of small children.  And it's biodegradable!

Next in line would be the Skinfare Thunder Cake coconut oil stick.  I'm assuming everyone already packed their deet-free, all-natural bug spray, but even the best bug spray had a challenge against the bugs this year.  So for those mosquito's that made it through the bug spray fog to your ankles there is this wonderful "salve-in-a-stick" as I like to call it.  This particular stick contains clove to help numb the affected area as well as nourishing oils such as coconut and palm fruit to help nourish the skin and aid in healing.  Let's hope you don't need to use the entire stick on one camping trip (but if you go into the Boundary Waters this year you may), but if this is the case, the packaging is made of cardboard so you can just throw it in your campfire when finished.

And last but not least we have a product to help with the camping bathroom situation (or lack thereof): EO's Lavender Sanitizing Gel (currently on Co-op Deals!).  We were car camping this year, so there were bathrooms at our campground, but they didn't flush and there was no sink.  I've had a bottle of this sanitizing gel all summer to survive all those port-o-potty's at Little League games and it came in very handy at the campground bathrooms as well.  This is a nice, clean way to sanitize (no harsh chemicals!) with organic lavender oil known for its antibacterial properties.

I hope you all get a chance to get a camping trip in, it has been a beautiful summer!  Have Fun!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Digestive Bitters: Not just a digestive aide

As we evolved as humans our bodies were used to eating lots of bitter foods.  At this time, a bitter tasting food sent a warning signal to the brain that you were consuming something toxic.  This activated the digestive enzymes enabling the food to be broken down and digested effectively.  These days our diets are composed of primarily sweet and salty, not so much the bitter.  This leads to the sluggish digestion, and its side effects (i.e. gas, bloating, heartburn) that is so prevalent today.  The solution?  Digestive Bitters.

Digestive Bitters have been around for a long time.  Used early on as a healing tonic, it evolved into the very definition of the "cocktail" as bartenders discovered its ability to mellow out the harsh flavor of certain liquors.  A digestive bitter is usually formulated of a blend of roots, herbs, barks, fruit peels, seeds, spices and flowers infused in a high-proof alcohol.  It works as a kind of all-purpose digestive aide as it not only helps with problems of gas and bloating, but can also restore a hydrochloric acid balance in your stomach.

Bitters are a trigger for the digestive system, like a work-out.  They challenge it, help keep it toned.  And you don't even have to injest it to achieve the benefits, simply swishing a digestive bitter around in your mouth will stimulate your digestive enzymes.  But this is not all a digestive bitter can accomplish.  Taken internally bitters can also work as a mild detox, maintain healthy liver fiction, healthy skin, and blood sugar balance.

At the Co-op we carry Urban Moonshine's wonderful line of digestive bitters, all USDA certified organic.  I put about a dropper full in a glass of sparkling water and drink this before or after meals to stimulate digestion.  But there are many other ways to use bitters, here is my favorite:

Bitters Vinaigrette
3/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup white wine, cider, or balsamic vinegar
1 TBLS. lemon juice
1 TBLS. Dijon mustard
1 tsp. Urban Moonshine bitters
1 tsp. fresh thyme
                         Salt & pepper to taste
                         Combine all ingredients, shake to emulsify.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sunscreen: Water Resistance

Because no sunscreen is 100% impervious to moisture, the FDA no longer allows a product to claim itself “waterproof” or “sweat proof” without proper testing.  Sunscreens on the U.S. market today can now only claim “Water Resistant (40 minutes)” or “Water Resistant (80 minutes)” after conducting this 3rd party test:  the appropriate amount of sunscreen is applied to a person’s arm then submerged in Jacuzzi-like conditions for 40 or 80 minutes (in intervals of 10 minutes in and 10 minutes out), then the SPF levels are measured.  If the amount of sunscreen left on the arm still protects at the SPF listed for the product, it is allowed the water resistant claim.

This does not mean you can stay in the water for 40 or 80 minutes, it simply means that after 40 minutes (or 80 minutes) the SPF may start to decline and you need to reapply to maintain that SPF.  It is always recommended that you reapply after swimming, sweating or towel drying.

Enjoy the sun!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Sunscreen and Nanoparticles

Summer is finally here!  At least I think it's here.  This is the time of year that summer happens, but it hasn't been feeling much like it.  Nevertheless, I have been spending all my free time in the garden.  And even if it's cold or cloudy, sunscreen is necessary.

I was not blessed with naturally tan skin, I am one of those people that burn within minutes of sun exposure. Rain or shine I have to apply lots of sunscreen and by a landslide my favorite sunscreen this summer is Badger's SPF 30 Sunscreen Lotion.   I love Badger sunscreens because they are one of the safest sunscreen on the market today.  They are biodegradable, reef-safe, broad spectrum, hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and made of non-nano uncoated zinc oxide.

Nanoparticles are defined as particles smaller than 100 nanometers, or 100 billionths of a meter.  The controversy surrounding these particles of late stems from their small size and their possible potential for absorption through the skin into the bloodstream.

Chemical sunscreen ingredients are molecular in size and therefore significantly smaller than nanoparticles. They are designed to be absorbed by the skin, so they can get into the blood.  I love Badger sunscreens because all of their sunscreens are composed of non-nano uncoated zinc oxide which sits atop the skin, scattering and absorbing UVA & UVB rays.  According to all known studies pertaining to zinc oxide (nano or non-nano), this naturally occurring mineral has never been known to penetrate healthy human skin!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sweet Orange Oil

I live deep in the woods, so as we head into bug season I am always on the lookout for a new, natural way to keep bugs out of my house.  I recently ran across an article in Mother Earth Living on how to repel pests naturally in your home.  What struck me was a recipe for a natural window cleaner that can repel insects.  I like this recipe because if you notice: all those pesky flying bugs (i.e. mosquito's, cluster flies, etc..) all flock to the windows.  This works very well at keeping them at bay:

Natural Insect-repellent Glass Cleaner
2 cups white vinegar
10 drops sweet orange essential oil

Add to a labeled spray bottle and use to clean windows and mirrors.  Shake well before each use.

I decided to do some research on the aromatherapy aspects of orange oil and discovered a lot of other great uses for it.  I won't list them all here (because there are many), but what I found the most interesting to all of us up here trying to survive this very long winter is that it helps alleviate: chronic fatique syndrome, depression, fear, mental exhaustion, nervous tension, stress, premenstrual syndrome, seasonal effective disorder and it inspires creativity!  

According to "Aromatherapy for Everyone" by PJ Pierson and Mary Shipley, they recommend 2-3 drops in a diffuser, or 8-10 drops in your bath to help alleviate these conditions.  I was thinking that if you are already cleaning your windows with this versatile oil it seems you would still be gaining the aromatherapeutic properties while ridding your house of pesky insects!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A True Superfood: Moringa

I start every morning with a protein shake complete with a healthy dose of powdered greens.  I am used to the usual mix of greens: spinach, broccoli, chlorella, spirulina, etc.  So I was very interested when a new powdered green hit the market.

Moringa, native to India, is now being touted as the cure for malnutrition worldwide.  Gram for gram, it has more B12 than a steak, more vitamin A than eggs, and more calcium than milk!  And it can be harvested every 45-60 days during the warm seasons.  It also holds a spectrum of trace minerals, vitamins, amino acids,  and antioxidants.  In India, Moringa was traditionally eaten as a vegetable for stamina and strength.  Now it is believed to protect the liver, boost immunity, support healthy blood sugar levels, heart health.... the list goes on and on.

Here at the Co-op our Moringa comes from the Organic India company where  it is sustainably harvested and organically grown.  With over 96 nutrients and 46 antioxidants it truly is a Superfood.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Award winning Supplements

As we all know, deciding on the right supplement can be a very difficult process, but Delicious Living magazine is here to help!  They understand that sometimes it feels as if you need a degree in medicine to choose the right supplement, so every year they hold the Delicious Living Supplement Awards. The best quality supplements are researched for innovation, effectiveness and the science behind their ingredients.  A panel of readers, experienced retailers, editors and medical experts then decide the winners.  I wanted to pass on some of the award winners that we carry in our store and why they are considered the best supplements on the market today.

BEST MULTIVITAMIN: Natural Vitality Organic Life Vitamin
This supplement is great for so many reasons.  It contains a perfect balance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It has an organic fruit base, contains the soothing properties of aloe juice, and its a liquid!  So it is easier for your body to assimilate.

BEST KIDS HEALTH: Nordic Omega-3 Jellies
At 250mg of fish oil, this is quite a power-packed supplement for kids. So many kids supplements contain sugar, I give this one to my kids because it is sugar-free.  It is also free of gluten, dairy and artificial colors and flavors.

We also carry a couple of products that received honorable mentions this year:

BEST STRESS RELIEF (Honorable Mention): Natural Vitality Calm

BEST VEGAN (Honorable Mention): MegaFood Vegan B-12

Thursday, March 7, 2013

SkinFare SkinCare

Inspired by her two years in Bali, Indonesia and the birth of her daughter, SkinFare founder Kara Errickson created a wonderful line of organic skincare sticks.  I am always on the look-out for a great company devoted to quality ingredients and sustainable practices-you get both with SkinFare.
Handmade in Asheville, North Carolina, these salves in stick form are composed of  USDA certified organic ingredients and the packaging is made from recycled paper.  SkinFare skincare sticks can be your all-purpose first aid ointment as they help with everything from dryness and chafing to skin issues such as burns, bruises and bug bites.
 The four core ingredients are coconut oil (for its anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties), palm fruit oil (for its antioxidant components), beeswax (impervious to water and mildew, perfect for stabilizing individual oils), and castor oil (helps retain moisture).
These healing salves  come in five different varieties.  In addition to the four core ingredients, each variety is comprised of a different set of constituents to satisfy all types of skin conditions:

Apothecary Prime
Heal, Soothe, Clarify
This wonderful salve made of sage, chamomile and thyme promotes healing, reduces inflammation, and works to calm damaged, itchy skin while supporting scar reduction.
Heirloom Elixir
Invigorate, Tighten, Refresh
Composed of ginger, carrot and spearmint, these elements work together to help detoxify, calm irritated skin, and reduce pores.  The ginger has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, while the carrot (high in vitamin A) works to keep skin toned and healthy.  Spearmint has many aromatherapuetic components as well as being excellent for wound care. 

Thunder Cake
Energize, Relieve, Protect
Thunder Cake protects skin from environmental damage.  This is an excellent salve for care of those bug bites because the clove has a mild numbing quality.  The anise works as a natural painkiller and the nutmeg has anti-aging properties.

Topical Nourishment
Defend, Balance, Repair 
Comprised of palmarosa, rosemary and helichrysum, this skincare stick can work as a bug repellent.  It also stimulates tissue regeneration, hydrates skin, and helps bring nutrients to damaged areas by encouraging blood flow.

Verdant Remedy
Tones, Restore, Brighten
The Verdant Remedy contains basil, galbanum and bergamot.  It is effective for insect bites, brightening the skin and as support for maturing skin.

It's hard to pick a favorite among these five great products, because they can all be used interchangeably, but if I had to pick the one I'm loving now it would be the Topical Nourishment.  I use it often on my kids.  I've put it on their bruises, chafed skin from the cold weather, one pretty nasty scrape from a sledding incident.  I personally use it on burns, for dry skin, and as a lip balm.  It is perfect support for the harsh winter weather.  I have had a few people come tell me how great it is when out skiing.  It's perfectly portable, contains no water so it won't freeze on your skin and it really helps guard against the elements while improving the integrity of your skin.  And I love the packaging!  Because it has no plastic components and made of recycled paper it is 100% biodegradable.  You can recycle it, compost it, or chuck it in to the wood stove like I do.
I'll probably change it up for the summer.  The Verdant Remedy or the Thunder Cake seem perfect for the summer months because they are so beneficial for bug bite after-care but can still be used as an all-purpose salve.
We have testers out of all the different varieties of SkinFare sticks for you to try,  this way you can find a stick that suits your needs.  Come in and check them out and find a SkinFare stick that works for you.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

On Valentine's Day all I want to do is indulge.  My favorite indulgence at our store (besides the Sea Salt & Caramel gelato by Talenti) is the Alba Botanica Hawaiian Sugar Cane body polish.  I like to lather it on in the shower, or while taking a hot bath, and let it soak in-then rinse.  It leaves your skin feeling so soft and luxurious and smelling slightly of chocolate.  So love your skin today and indulge in some body polish.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

New Product for Kids

When my kids were babies I loved the convenience of an all-purpose cleanser.  I could wash them, shampoo their hair and get a fun bubble bath all out of the same product.  Using a healthy, clean product on my children is very important to me, and although these natural products tend to be a bit pricey, I didn't need much to get them clean.

As they've gotten older-and bigger-I have had a difficult time finding the quantity I needed for an affordable price.  Now those days are over.  EO, known for their high-quality products now have a wonderful all-purpose cleanser for kids-and it's affordable!  EO's Everyone Soap for kids is a shampoo, body wash and bubble bath all in one very economical 32 ounce container. 

The Co-op now carries this new product in the Tropical Coconut Twist scent, and it's an Owner Special for the month of February!  Come check it out.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

January Favorite

My favorite this month is, Dr. Singha's Mustard Bath.  January is a difficult month here in the north, it gets very cold and is wrought with illness.  For me, that means two things: a very hot bath and time to indulge in some comfort items.  I get both of those, and more, with Dr. Singha's Mustard Bath. 

Dr. Shyam Singha is a popular acupuncturist and Aryurvedic physician who has used this formula in his practice for many years as a way of eliminating acid waste and balance pH.  Mustard has always been known to have cleansing properties, and with the hot water of a bath, it helps, "the largest organ of elimination, the skin, to release impurities".

Many ask if it smells like mustard.  I find it smells more of the wintergreen in its ingredients than anything else, but your bath water will be yellow from the mustard.  I find that the very minty aroma helps open my sinuses and the bath itself really seems to detoxify my skin.  I feel very refreshed after one of these hot mustard baths, and really think my immune system gets the little boost it needs this time of year from the mild cleansing properties.

According to Dr. Singha, this mustard bath formula can also aid in: stress, muscle and joint soreness, congestion, skin conditions, periodic tensions and sleeplessness.  This product is new to the Co-op, affordable, and a perfect way to indulge, heal, and ward off the chill of those very cold January nights.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Why MegaFood?

I can't say enough great things about the company MegaFood.  There is a big difference between supplement companies, and MegaFood proves that over and over again.  MegaFood creates their supplements from food. If you look at any MegaFood label you will see the food that a particular vitamin or mineral is sourced from, i.e. oranges for vitamin C, carrots for vitamin A, cabbage for vitamin K, broccoli for folate, etc. 

They use a gentle drying process, unique to their company, to slow dry the fruits and vegetables in order to retain their nutrients.  MegaFood is located in New Hampshire and they attempt to locally source their fruits and vegetables as much as possible.  They actually have farms growing specific crops of produce that may not be market ready but excellent for supplement production.  An example of this is their cranberries.  When we shop for cranberries for some juicy cranberry muffins or a rich cranbery sauce for our Thanksgiving table, we look for plump light, bitter tasting cranberries.  MegaFood has a local farmer growing a specific variety unlike the cranberries we are used to in our produce departments, they are smaller and more bitter and perfect for a nutrient rich supplement. 

Although we carry a variety of high quality supplements, I believe its important to know why MegaFood can sometimes be twice the price of the other brands.  I've been told by employees of MegaFood that they have visited several other supplement companies and when you walk in they contain vats of different liquids and powders, but when you walk in to MegaFood you see crates of fruits and vegetables.  It's important to remember that MegaFood supplements are also always free of pesticides, herbicides, gluten, and soy.

With the cold and flu season well under way, some great MegaFood supplements to help with prevention and enhancing immunity are the Complex C (made with oranges, blueberries and cranberries), or their probiotic (new to the Co-op): MegaFlora.  And they are on Co-op Deals through January 29th!