Tuesday, November 25, 2014
More Support for Your Immune System: Colloidal Silver
There has been a lot of hype over colloidal silver with the recent outbreak of Ebola. I was curious, I've known of colloidal silver as a great support for our immune system via it's antibiotic-like actions, but I've also heard it can turn you blue. So is this a viable supplement, or just another fad?
Colloidal Silver has been around for centuries. Many cultures have used silver as a means to optimal health. Ancient cultures used silver vessels as a way of keeping liquids fresh. Pioneers making their way West in the 1800s placed silver coins in their milk and water supplies for preservation. And to this day silver air purifiers are used by airlines. But how does it support our immune system?
The answer is in the particles. The atoms of silver work on viruses by halting further mutation, hence its popularity for potentially curbing the Ebola virus. Colloidal silver also works on bacterial and fungal infections by starving the bacteria or fungus from overgrowth. With this in mind, colloidal silver has been known to be effective for the common cold, compromised immune systems, yeast and fungal infections (both internally and externally), E. Coli and Staph infections, shingles, flu, parasites, Lyme's Disease, the list goes on and on.
When shopping for a colloidal silver, look for one in the atomic form versus the ionic form. In its atomic form the colloidal silver can exist safely in higher concentrations (250-500 parts per million)
without causing clumping of the silver particles which could possibly lodge in tissue. This difference is rarely listed on the label, you can tell if it is atomic by its color. An atomic colloidal silver will have an amber color, where an ionic will be clear.
If suffering with skin specific issues, consider one of the topical formulas for external use only. Natural Path/Silver Wings produces both a Colloidal Silver Aloe Gel with tea tree oil and a Colloidal Silver Herbal Ointment. The aloe gel ointment is formulated for use with bacterial or fungal infections of the skin that need to dry out such as cold sores and nail fungus. The Herbal Ointment is excellent for skin issues that need some moisturizing. These would include burns, eczema, warts, and anything that cracks.
With any supplement, testing is of utmost importance, but even more so with colloidal silver. Remember all those stories of people turning blue? This was primarily an issue of poor quality. Natural Path/Silver Wings colloidal silver is tested both internally and by third-party independent laboratories to ensure the highest standards and quality. So you won't turn blue!
Thursday, October 16, 2014
A Cure for Ebola
Okay, so I don't really have a cure for Ebola, but I do know that if you are exposed to Ebola, or any other illness, a healthy immune system will be your strongest defense. As we move into this winter season, illness is inevitable, germs are unavoidable. The hope is when you do get a minor illness that it does not turn into a secondary or lingering affliction. We can do this by following these protocols:
1) Get enough rest! The body needs to re-set. When we don't get enough sleep we are putting extra stress on the body. Without the reserves of stamina and vitality that sleep can provide the body starts a viscous cycle of depletion. When it's time for your immune system to go to work, it has very little to draw from.
2)Exercise! When you get sick your immune system calls out, "Foreign Invader! Foreign Invader!". The lymph system is responsible for removing these foreign cells. Lymph nodes are storage sites for cells within the lymphatic system, which is why you can feel your lymph nodes swell close to the site of infection. The issue with our lymph system is that is has no way of moving these cells along, there is no muscle activity associated with the lymph system. Simple bouncing can remedy this. Jogging, skiing, moving your body helps your lymph system work those foreign invaders out into the blood where they can be processed and eliminated.
3) Eat Good Food! It doesn't matter what kind of food issues you may have, if you are dairy, gluten or meat free- just eat clean food that you can recognize. This means devoid of too many ingredients. Cook fresh (Organic!) fish or meat of your choice with lots of veggies, or if you are a vegetarian or vegan, stick to lots of veggies and healthy grains such as quinoa. Basically, be mindful of anything from a box, and severely limit your sugar intake!
4)Reishi! Of course I have to mention at least one supplement, and the one making the biggest impression on me right now is Reishi. It is a shelf mushroom that grows on hemlocks, and it is superb for boosting the immune system. Reishi mushrooms have been used in Eastern medicine for over 2,000 years for their anti-aging properties. It works as an immunostimulant and has been helpful for anyone suffering from allergies, chemical sensitivities and auto-immune disorders. It has been used experimentally to treat HIV/AIDS, and has shown some anti-tumor properties. I take it in an Immune Tonic full of other immune enhancing herbs by Urban Moonshine.
Good Luck! I hope we all make it through Ebola-free!
1) Get enough rest! The body needs to re-set. When we don't get enough sleep we are putting extra stress on the body. Without the reserves of stamina and vitality that sleep can provide the body starts a viscous cycle of depletion. When it's time for your immune system to go to work, it has very little to draw from.
2)Exercise! When you get sick your immune system calls out, "Foreign Invader! Foreign Invader!". The lymph system is responsible for removing these foreign cells. Lymph nodes are storage sites for cells within the lymphatic system, which is why you can feel your lymph nodes swell close to the site of infection. The issue with our lymph system is that is has no way of moving these cells along, there is no muscle activity associated with the lymph system. Simple bouncing can remedy this. Jogging, skiing, moving your body helps your lymph system work those foreign invaders out into the blood where they can be processed and eliminated.
3) Eat Good Food! It doesn't matter what kind of food issues you may have, if you are dairy, gluten or meat free- just eat clean food that you can recognize. This means devoid of too many ingredients. Cook fresh (Organic!) fish or meat of your choice with lots of veggies, or if you are a vegetarian or vegan, stick to lots of veggies and healthy grains such as quinoa. Basically, be mindful of anything from a box, and severely limit your sugar intake!
4)Reishi! Of course I have to mention at least one supplement, and the one making the biggest impression on me right now is Reishi. It is a shelf mushroom that grows on hemlocks, and it is superb for boosting the immune system. Reishi mushrooms have been used in Eastern medicine for over 2,000 years for their anti-aging properties. It works as an immunostimulant and has been helpful for anyone suffering from allergies, chemical sensitivities and auto-immune disorders. It has been used experimentally to treat HIV/AIDS, and has shown some anti-tumor properties. I take it in an Immune Tonic full of other immune enhancing herbs by Urban Moonshine.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Stress, Anxiety and Insomnia-Free: Naturally
We all deal with stress everyday, but that long-term, accumulative stress builds on itself over time resulting in several nervous system problems such as depression, anger and exhaustion, not to mention the wear and tear on your organ systems. Help is here in the form of PharmaGABA! GABA or gamma-aminobutyric acid, naturally occurs in the brain as a calming agent and as a regulator of proper function and neurotransmission. It works very effectively as a natural solution for stress, anxiety and insomnia by inhibiting nerve transmission therefore calming nervous activity.
Previously, GABA was shown to have little movement across the blood-brain barrier and considered ineffective as a supplement, but the synthetic form of GABA was being tested. Research has shown that the natural form of GABA, called PharmaGABA, has demonstrated effectiveness in increasing alpha brain waves, which promote relaxation with mental focus and alertness. It also helps improve sleep quality by inducing deeper levels of sleep, and it works fast, effects are usually felt within the first 5 minutes and can last 4-6 hours.
Common drugs used to treat anxiety tend to have numerous side effects and can be highly addictive. Popular sleep aids inhibit those deeper levels of sleep which result in disruption of normal sleep patterns. PharmaGABA is an effective, natural option for these issues.
Previously, GABA was shown to have little movement across the blood-brain barrier and considered ineffective as a supplement, but the synthetic form of GABA was being tested. Research has shown that the natural form of GABA, called PharmaGABA, has demonstrated effectiveness in increasing alpha brain waves, which promote relaxation with mental focus and alertness. It also helps improve sleep quality by inducing deeper levels of sleep, and it works fast, effects are usually felt within the first 5 minutes and can last 4-6 hours.
Common drugs used to treat anxiety tend to have numerous side effects and can be highly addictive. Popular sleep aids inhibit those deeper levels of sleep which result in disruption of normal sleep patterns. PharmaGABA is an effective, natural option for these issues.
Friday, August 8, 2014
The Bug Spray Experiment
In my last post I noted that I was going to conduct a study of all the bug sprays we currently carry at the Co-op as well as my own personal homemade formula. Although not completely scientific, I did choose days that were partly cloudy with little wind to ensure optimal bug levels. I did not participate in this study as I refuse to purposely expose myself to long periods of bug exposure, but my two young boys were perfect candidates for this as they were willing to stay outside as long as possible and they love experiments. I tested these sprays for application (ease of applying the bug spray), exposure (how long they could be outside with only one application), and overall impression of the spray. Here are the results:
Purple Prairie Bug Spray (Made in Minnesota)
Application: Easy to apply, needed to rub it in for optimal coverage.
Exposure: 50 minutes
Overall Impression: Both boys liked the light scent.
Simply B Natural "Bug Off" Juice (Made in Minnesota)
Application: Easy to spray on, needed to rub in for optimal coverage.
Exposure: 35 minutes (note: this was the buggiest of all four days)
Overall Impression: This is a a different spray in that it is vanilla-based instead of your traditional citronella or lemon eucalyptus-based sprays. I believe one child stated, "It smells like cookies".
My Homemade Bug Spray
Application: I used the mist bottles that we sell here at the store, they provide a good even mist.
Exposure: 30 minutes for one child, 1 hour and 15 minutes for the other.
Overall Impression: Pleasant smell as I add some floral scents to my formula to cut the strong citronella smell. Bugs started to bite through non-sprayed clothes.
Badger Anti-Bug Shake & Spray (Made in Vermont)
Application: Easy to spray, but like the others it needs to be rubbed in a bit to coat.
Exposure: 1 hour and 45 minutes (they would have stayed longer, but had to come in for lunch).
Overall Impression: This spray definitely has the strongest smell of the four. Both boys noted this with one okay with it and the other not a fan.
So there you have it. This has turned out to be a very bad bug year, but for natural bug sprays I think these fair very well. Chemical-free bug sprays will never hold a candle to those with chemicals. For one, re-application is minimal and their effectiveness is much more apparent, but they contain chemicals that can be harmful to you and to the environment. You will have to carry these natural bug sprays with you and re-apply often, but can rest easy knowing that warding off those awful bugs didn't expose you, your family, or the world to some potentially harmful chemicals. Here's to hoping bug season will be over soon!

Application: Easy to apply, needed to rub it in for optimal coverage.
Exposure: 50 minutes
Overall Impression: Both boys liked the light scent.
Simply B Natural "Bug Off" Juice (Made in Minnesota)
Application: Easy to spray on, needed to rub in for optimal coverage.
Exposure: 35 minutes (note: this was the buggiest of all four days)
Overall Impression: This is a a different spray in that it is vanilla-based instead of your traditional citronella or lemon eucalyptus-based sprays. I believe one child stated, "It smells like cookies".
My Homemade Bug Spray
Application: I used the mist bottles that we sell here at the store, they provide a good even mist.
Exposure: 30 minutes for one child, 1 hour and 15 minutes for the other.
Overall Impression: Pleasant smell as I add some floral scents to my formula to cut the strong citronella smell. Bugs started to bite through non-sprayed clothes.
Badger Anti-Bug Shake & Spray (Made in Vermont)
Application: Easy to spray, but like the others it needs to be rubbed in a bit to coat.
Exposure: 1 hour and 45 minutes (they would have stayed longer, but had to come in for lunch).
Overall Impression: This spray definitely has the strongest smell of the four. Both boys noted this with one okay with it and the other not a fan.
So there you have it. This has turned out to be a very bad bug year, but for natural bug sprays I think these fair very well. Chemical-free bug sprays will never hold a candle to those with chemicals. For one, re-application is minimal and their effectiveness is much more apparent, but they contain chemicals that can be harmful to you and to the environment. You will have to carry these natural bug sprays with you and re-apply often, but can rest easy knowing that warding off those awful bugs didn't expose you, your family, or the world to some potentially harmful chemicals. Here's to hoping bug season will be over soon!
Friday, June 13, 2014
Bugs, Bugs, and More Bugs!
The bugs are out in full force here in northern Minnesota which poses a problem. After a very long and very cold winter all I want to do is be outside when the sun is shining and this bug thing is making it very difficult. Bug spray is what I need, and lots of it! But what kinds of bug sprays are effective, natural, safe?
Most of us are used to DEET-laden bug sprays, we know them to be very effective against those nasty bugs. But are they safe? DEET is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, but it is also noted, by this same agency, to have caused 18 different cases of neurological damage in children and 2 adult deaths. It is also a known to cause eye irritation, rashes, and blistering. Research has shown brain cell death and behavioral changes in rats and it is toxic to the environment. DEET is now in 75% of all US water sources and incredibly dangerous for all aquatic and bird life.
So I'm not going to be using DEET. This summer I am trying out several different types of natural bug
sprays. The one I turn to most often is Badger's Anti-Bug Spray. Badger products come from Vermont where they know bugs and they are very effective and very safe. They contains citronella, geranium and cedar essential oils all in a water and soybean oil base. In addition to the spray they have some Anti-Bug Balms containing the same set of essential oils in an organic olive oil and beeswax base.
I have also started making my own bug spray this year. I start with a 4 ounce mist bottle and add two ounces of water and two ounces of witch hazel. I then mix and match different essential oils that are known to have active constituents that help repel bugs. My favorite essential oil right now is Lemon Eucalyptus. This isn't just lemon essential oil and eucalyptus essential mixed together, it is an actual variety of eucalyptus tree that originates in Brazil. I mix it with other essential oils in that water/witch hazel base, shake and spray before heading outside. I like making my own because I can make it as strong or as light as I wish. Other essential oils that are great at repelling bugs are: citronella, cedarwood, geranium, rosemary, grapefruit and tea tree.
We have a couple new bug sprays at the Co-op that are actually made here in Minnesota: Purple Prairie and Simply B Natural. I am going to try them out and compare them to my homemade one and Badger to see which is the most effective, so keep your eyes out for that!
If you live here in Cook County, join me for my Make-Your-Own Bug Spray Class Friday, July 11 at 5pm.
Most of us are used to DEET-laden bug sprays, we know them to be very effective against those nasty bugs. But are they safe? DEET is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, but it is also noted, by this same agency, to have caused 18 different cases of neurological damage in children and 2 adult deaths. It is also a known to cause eye irritation, rashes, and blistering. Research has shown brain cell death and behavioral changes in rats and it is toxic to the environment. DEET is now in 75% of all US water sources and incredibly dangerous for all aquatic and bird life.
So I'm not going to be using DEET. This summer I am trying out several different types of natural bug
sprays. The one I turn to most often is Badger's Anti-Bug Spray. Badger products come from Vermont where they know bugs and they are very effective and very safe. They contains citronella, geranium and cedar essential oils all in a water and soybean oil base. In addition to the spray they have some Anti-Bug Balms containing the same set of essential oils in an organic olive oil and beeswax base.
I have also started making my own bug spray this year. I start with a 4 ounce mist bottle and add two ounces of water and two ounces of witch hazel. I then mix and match different essential oils that are known to have active constituents that help repel bugs. My favorite essential oil right now is Lemon Eucalyptus. This isn't just lemon essential oil and eucalyptus essential mixed together, it is an actual variety of eucalyptus tree that originates in Brazil. I mix it with other essential oils in that water/witch hazel base, shake and spray before heading outside. I like making my own because I can make it as strong or as light as I wish. Other essential oils that are great at repelling bugs are: citronella, cedarwood, geranium, rosemary, grapefruit and tea tree.
We have a couple new bug sprays at the Co-op that are actually made here in Minnesota: Purple Prairie and Simply B Natural. I am going to try them out and compare them to my homemade one and Badger to see which is the most effective, so keep your eyes out for that!
If you live here in Cook County, join me for my Make-Your-Own Bug Spray Class Friday, July 11 at 5pm.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
In the Sun
Up here in northern Minnesota it doesn't feel anywhere near the kind of weather you feel the need to apply a good helping of sunscreen. Fortunately, I was able to get away to a part of this country where a cloudy day is rare: northern Arizona and southern Utah. Sunscreen was important even riding in the car, that sun is powerful over there in the desert!
I brought along several varieties to test as I knew I would be applying it to myself and my family several times a day. DISCLAIMER: I only use natural, chemical-free sunscreens. This means the primary active ingredient is zinc oxide and they usually apply white. I have reached an age where I care more for the health of my skin than looking like a geisha. Here are my favorites:
#1 Purple Prairie Botanicals Sunstuff SPF30:
I would say that this was everyone's favorite. It had a light consistency and was slightly less white than the others. Made in Minnesota!
#2 Elemental Herbs Coconut Sunstick SPF30:
This is the perfect sunscreen if you are an avid hiker.
We did a lot of hiking on our vacation and this was very
portable. It fit easily in a back pocket for easy reapplication throughout the day.
#3 Badger Unscented Sunscreen Cream SPF30:
By far the whitest of the three, I like to call it my geisha makeup. This is the one we used most to cover arms and legs. We managed to make it through without any serious burns thanks to this sunscreen. Of the three, this sunscreen is the only that follows FDA standards for UVA and UVB protection (Broad Spectrum) or water resistance. Badger is one of those awesome companies voted "Best for the World 2014" by the B Corporation organization which rates businesses based on their environmental, worker and community impact.
Honorable Mention: Elemental Herbs Lip Balm SPF12
The three sunscreens mentioned above are all great but not
what you would apply to your lips for protection, and those
lips need protecting! This lip balm is my favorite, so great
that I would use it as my everyday lip moisturizer.
I brought along several varieties to test as I knew I would be applying it to myself and my family several times a day. DISCLAIMER: I only use natural, chemical-free sunscreens. This means the primary active ingredient is zinc oxide and they usually apply white. I have reached an age where I care more for the health of my skin than looking like a geisha. Here are my favorites:
#1 Purple Prairie Botanicals Sunstuff SPF30:
I would say that this was everyone's favorite. It had a light consistency and was slightly less white than the others. Made in Minnesota!
#2 Elemental Herbs Coconut Sunstick SPF30:
This is the perfect sunscreen if you are an avid hiker.
We did a lot of hiking on our vacation and this was very
portable. It fit easily in a back pocket for easy reapplication throughout the day.

By far the whitest of the three, I like to call it my geisha makeup. This is the one we used most to cover arms and legs. We managed to make it through without any serious burns thanks to this sunscreen. Of the three, this sunscreen is the only that follows FDA standards for UVA and UVB protection (Broad Spectrum) or water resistance. Badger is one of those awesome companies voted "Best for the World 2014" by the B Corporation organization which rates businesses based on their environmental, worker and community impact.
Honorable Mention: Elemental Herbs Lip Balm SPF12
The three sunscreens mentioned above are all great but not
what you would apply to your lips for protection, and those
lips need protecting! This lip balm is my favorite, so great
that I would use it as my everyday lip moisturizer.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Cabin Fever!
I've held it together all winter. Usually I start complaining the day the temperature hits below zero and I don't stop until spring. But not this winter, I've been embracing the cold and the snow like a champ. Until March 1st....
I just couldn't take it anymore. All the endless snow and more days when the temperature fell far below zero (-28 degrees F at my house!)- I began to wonder if I was completely insane for living in such a place. So needless to say I have a serious case of Cabin Fever!
In the past, I mostly just suffer through. I take my multivitamin, try to get enough Vitamin D and sleep. Exercise has always been a great help. But this winter, since it seemed to hit me so hard, I decided to look in to some different solutions for lifting my mood and alleviating some my symptoms of Seasonal Effective Disorder.
Typically I use Passionflower tincture for mood support, but the old tried and true St. John's Wort seems to
be winning out after a winter such as this one. After further research I found these other products that may help with symptoms of Seasonal Effective Disorder:
be winning out after a winter such as this one. After further research I found these other products that may help with symptoms of Seasonal Effective Disorder:
*Melatonin. This natural hormone helps regulate mood yet seasonal changes may reduce natural levels.
*Omega-3. Another name for Omega-3's is essential fatty acids. Note the word essential. We require these essential fatty acids for optimal functioning of our bodies. For mood, they help transmission of nerve impulses.
*5 HTP. This amino acid helps increase the body's natural production of serotonin.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Early Winter Favorites
It's that time of year where it seems as if EVERYONE! is coughing. Maybe not everyone, but it feels like that when your child is waking up in the middle of the night with a cough. To remedy that persistent cough I've been favoring Herb Pharm's Herbal Respiratory Relief. I like it because it not only helps support you through a nasty cold by promoting a productive cough, reducing irritation and enhancing immunity, it can also offer relief for that otherwise healthy person who has a lingering cough. I like making my own cough syrup out of it by mixing 1 TBLS. of honey with the recommended dosage. For children simply divide their weight by 4 to get the proper dose.
This winter I'm also liking the Sambucol Black Elderberry Original Formula. I've been using ALOT of this product this winter and so far (I'm knocking on wood) I haven't even had a minor cold. Elderberry is known for it's support of the immune system, so I'm using it mostly as a preventative, but I'm also giving it to the kids when they are sick just to help strengthen their immune systems to better fight the colds and coughs.
This winter I'm also liking the Sambucol Black Elderberry Original Formula. I've been using ALOT of this product this winter and so far (I'm knocking on wood) I haven't even had a minor cold. Elderberry is known for it's support of the immune system, so I'm using it mostly as a preventative, but I'm also giving it to the kids when they are sick just to help strengthen their immune systems to better fight the colds and coughs.
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