Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dreams in Alaska

I recently returned from a wonderful trip to the beautiful state of Alaska.  I've heard stories of places that might have more challenging weather conditions than Minnesota, but I didn't believe any of them.  But it's true!  There are places that have longer, darker winters, cloudier days, and colder lakes than northern Minnesota!  I know it's hard to believe but it's really true.  In fact, I feel like I've come home to a tropical paradise! 

So I've been thinking of some of the products I brought along from the wellness department at the Co-op, which ones really helped, that I found myself needing.  I would have to say that the most important product I brought, the one that helped the most, was Natural Factors Tranquil Sleep.

We had to catch a 9:30 a.m. flight from Minneapolis to Anchorage, which means we left Cook County at 2 a.m.  So by the time we reached Alaska and their 3 hour time difference and longer summer nights, not to mention the fact that I was on vacation and wanted to really soak up those gorgeous mountains, my sleep patterns were a wreck.  Tranquil Sleep with its mix of melatonin, L-theanine and 5 H-T-P was my savior.

 Melatonin is commonly known for its work as a sleep aid, but what makes this supplement so unique is the addition of L-theanine and 5 H-T-P, both known for their serotonin (that splendid mood enhancing neurotransmitter) boosting properties.  I felt that it helped balance my sleep cycle without making me too drowsy to enjoy my vacation.  I only brought the small travel size, so I ended up taking half the dose the bottle suggested, but it still did the trick.
I don't know what kind of vacation I enjoy the most: those where I never want to leave, or those that make me appreciate where I live.  All I know is that I'm happy to be home.  Now I just need to figure out what to do with all my zucchini!

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