Next in line would be the Skinfare Thunder Cake coconut oil stick. I'm assuming everyone already packed their deet-free, all-natural bug spray, but even the best bug spray had a challenge against the bugs this year. So for those mosquito's that made it through the bug spray fog to your ankles there is this wonderful "salve-in-a-stick" as I like to call it. This particular stick contains clove to help numb the affected area as well as nourishing oils such as coconut and palm fruit to help nourish the skin and aid in healing. Let's hope you don't need to use the entire stick on one camping trip (but if you go into the Boundary Waters this year you may), but if this is the case, the packaging is made of cardboard so you can just throw it in your campfire when finished.
And last but not least we have a product to help with the camping bathroom situation (or lack thereof): EO's Lavender Sanitizing Gel (currently on Co-op Deals!). We were car camping this year, so there were bathrooms at our campground, but they didn't flush and there was no sink. I've had a bottle of this sanitizing gel all summer to survive all those port-o-potty's at Little League games and it came in very handy at the campground bathrooms as well. This is a nice, clean way to sanitize (no harsh chemicals!) with organic lavender oil known for its antibacterial properties.
I hope you all get a chance to get a camping trip in, it has been a beautiful summer! Have Fun!